
click  Each person registered for the course will be issued a radio-frequency transmitter or "clicker".  On the first days of class, we will register your clicker to your name.   Your responses will be recorded and will count toward your course grade. You will receive some credit simply for attending and responding to clicker questions.  You will receive additional credit for getting answers right.   Some of the questions will check whether you have done the required reading .   Other questions will test for your grasp of material presented in the current lectures.

To operate your  clicker, you may need to  remove the little plastic strip  from the back.  Then press the off/on switch to turn it on.  You will see a blue light when the clicker comes on.  Don't forget to turn your clicker off when you are finished using it.  You don't want to run your battery down.  You can keep your  clicker for the entire term.  There will be no charge for your clicker if you return it at the end of the course.   If you lose it or don't return it, you will be assessed $25.   Remember that you have to use your own clicker in order for your scores to be credited to you. 

If you are going to miss class,  do not ask somebody else to bring your clicker and  click for you.  Doing this is cheating and I take cheating very seriously.   I will regularly  ask a few of the people from the class whose clickers have registered  to introduce themselves to me at the end of class and to show me identification.    If your clicker registers and you are not there, you are in trouble.   If you are caught  using more than one clicker or if your clicker registers and you are not in class, you will fail the course.  It is that simple.